Saturday, May 13, 2006

Asking a Favor

I will have a new story up soon. I'm working on one called Candy, about the delightful experience of being pure candy to a gorgeous older man, who made me feel like the hottest, sexiest, creature on earth as I indulged his every fantasy.

In the meanwhile, I'm doing well with Literotica. They've accepted three of my stories now. You can really help me out by going to the site, and commenting on and/or scoring my stories. They might be ones you've read, so just skip to the bottom to respond. Or you might find one there that you haven't read yet.

Click here to go to my page at Literotica. Thanks.

And a quick thank you to those of you who are clicking on my ads, and buying your fun sex product from the site's I've linked to. That helps keep this blog going. Adam and Eve have a fun "Starter Kit" that's just $3.95. Back with "Candy" real soon.


At 4:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Clean Break is a great story!Rate 5!
Keep on the good work!

At 8:02 AM, Blogger Isabelle said...

Thank you. I'm really glad you enjoyed it.
It's one of my favorites as well and I'll try to do more like it.


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